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School Attendance and Reporting Student Absence

For the safeguarding of all students, the school requires parents/carers to phone the school on each day of absence. Please call 01752 843715 and select option 1.

Please leave a message on the dedicated answerphone by 8.30am to allow us to update our records.  The following information is required:

      • Name of student
      • Tutor group
      • Reason for absence
      • Relationship of caller to student, i.e. mum, dad, gran, etc.

Any pupil arriving at school after 08:35 must report to the Lecture Theatre to record their arrival. Pupils who receive late will be issued with the same day after-school detention (3-4pm)

If a student feels unwell during the school day, they must tell their teacher who will ask for assistance from the First Aid team.

If a student is sent home from school through illness and is unfit for school the following day, please telephone the school as stated above. For safeguarding purposes, the school does not automatically assume the student is going to be absent the following day.

If a student has to leave during the school day to attend an appointment, they are required to sign out at reception with a note from parents/carers. They should sign back in when they return. We do request, however, that appointments are made for outside school hours wherever possible.

Absence Request Forms are available to download below or from reception/Head of Year. Further information can be found on the reverse of the Absence Request Form. Both sides of the form MUST be submitted.

Absence Request Form

Attendance is monitored regularly by the Attendance Manager, Head of Year and the Education Welfare Officer. Parents will be contacted where necessary as per the guidance stated below.

Parents are responsible by law for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive a full-time, suitable education.

Queries regarding attendance should be emailed to the Attendance Manager, Mrs Moss:

Further information regarding attendance can be found on the SMART Trust website, via the following link: