Uniform & Equipment
Saltash Community School has a distinctive school uniform. When you accept a place at the school, we will assume that you are in full support of the uniform outlined below.
We regularly tell our pupils that ‘we’re in the team, so we wear the kit.’ We expect our students to come to school dressed in our uniform, every day, because uniform helps to:
- Instil pride in being a part of ‘Team Saltash;’
- Support positive behaviour routines;
- Encourage identity with, and support for, our school ethos;
- Protect children from social and financial pressures to dress in a particular way;
- Nurture community cohesion and promote good relationships between different groups of students.
School uniform
- Black blazer embroidered with school logo.
- Standard blue school shirt (short or long sleeved).
- Tailored black school full length trousers/shorts or knee-length drop waist pleated skirt (if students choose to wear a skirt - it must be drop waist, pleated - pencil skirts are not permitted). Jeans/leggings are not permitted.
- Black V-necked jumper with sky blue stripe (optional and always to be worn alongside, and not instead of, a blazer.)
- Standard (fully polishable - no canvas or material elements) flat-heeled all black leather-style shoes, with covered heels and toes. Shoes must be completely black – without coloured ticks/logos/tags.
- *NEW* Clip on or traditional school tie (black/blue/gold with house colour) – purchased from the school via ParentPay.
- Black or flesh coloured tights (no leggings to be worn under skirts.)
- *NEW* Black socks, without logos
Kit for P.E. and Games
Students will take part in PE up to three times a week. The following items of PE uniform are required:
- Black and gold t-shirt with school motif
- Black and gold Multisport top
- Black and gold training top with school motif
- Black shorts (if lycra, these MUST be mid-thigh, not ‘hot pant’ style.)
- Black sports socks
- White socks
- Shin pads
- Gum shield (optional for rugby but recommended)
- Football boots
- Trainers
Optional items recommended for outdoor lessons in the winter months:
- Plain black training pants/leggings
Suitable footwear for all-weather pitch:
Outdoor clothing should be sensible, weather-appropriate and smart. Coats and hats should not carry any obvious logos.
The only jewellery allowed in school is a watch *please note that smart watches are not permitted* and one simple pair of small studs or in ear lobes.
Body or facial piercings are not permitted. Students will be asked to remove any piercings, so please do not get new piercings, which may require time to heal, during term time. Clear piercings are also not permitted.
Make-up must be subtle. False eyelashes are not permitted.
Exaggerated hairstyles or unnatural hair colours are not acceptable, and for health and safety reasons false / acrylic nails and nail polish is also not permitted.
To assist students in their learning, the following items are compulsory:
- School bag
- Refillable water bottle
- 1 x clear pencil case
- 2 x black or blue pens
- 1x purple pen
- 1 x ruler
- 1 x eraser
- 1 x scientific calculator
The following items will further support students and are therefore desirable:
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Pencil sharpener
- Highlighters
- Compass
- Protractor
- Coloured pencils
We appreciate that, for some families, the cost of uniform and equipment can be expensive. We are always willing to subsidise the cost of these essentials for your child. If you would like financial assistance with the above, please contact Dani King by emailing dking@saltashcloud.net or your child’s Head of Year.
Pre-loved uniform
We recognise that the current financial pressures on families can be hard and want to do what we can as a school to help support our families. We expect to be able to distribute all parts of our uniform (from blazers to PE kits; from shirts to football boots). Items will be free of charge.
Please check the school website for details of opening times.
Alternatively, if you have a specific request for uniform please email: dking@saltashcloud.net
Maintaining high expectations
If children do not attend in the correct uniform, they will be given ‘borrow kit’ or issued with a permit giving 7 days to allow time to sort replacement items. We follow a sanction system for students who refuse to wear borrowed items, cannot remove prohibited items or repeatedly wear the incorrect uniform after previous permits have been issued.
Official Providers of Saltash Community School Uniform
Westcountry Embroidery
141 Fore Street
Saltash PL12 6AB
Tel: 01752 840666
Email: westcountryembroidery@gmail.com
The School Wear Shop
105 Mayflower Street
Plymouth PL1 1SB
Tel: 01752 252025
Email: shop@plymouthschoolwear.co.uk
Saltash Uniforms
Unit 1B
21c Brunel Road
Saltash PL12 6LF
Tel: 07715 557757
Email: marilyn@saltashuniforms.co.uk