DfE free vacancies service –
Please find below our current vacancies at Saltash Community School. Vacancies across all SMART schools and the SMART TSS can be found via the following link: smart-trust | Vacancies
All Saltash Community School job posts can be found or applied for via eteach, for more information visit:
Our Vacancies
Curriculum Area Leader – Physical Education
Saltash Community School
Saltash Community School is seeking to appoint a full time, permanent Curriculum Area Leader of Physical Education from June 2025. We are looking for a passionate and driven leader to effectively lead and manage our PE team. You must have the ability to teach GCSE, BTEC and A Level students. You will share our commitment to excellence and our desire to achieve the very best outcomes for our students. -
School Receptionist / Administrator - Maternity Cover
Saltash Community School
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, confident and flexible person with excellent communication skills to become a member of our hard-working team. It is essential that the person appointed has good front of house and organisational skills, the ability to work as part of a team and to be able to use their own initiative.