Year 8 TEAM Week Monday 17th-Friday 21st 2023

Dear Parent/Carer
Year 8 TEAM Week Monday 17th-Friday 21st 2023
I am writing to give you some more specific information about the Team week, especially the arrangements for the trips that are part of the week. Students must ensure that they are in the
line-up by 8.35am so that their tutors can register them and get them onto the correct coach on trip days. Sadly, any students that are not present at registration will miss the transport and be unable to take part in the external trips. Students will travel using Tamar Travel and the coaches will depart from the front of the school and will return to the bottom of the drive by 3.00pm.
Students that are in 8HEM, 8NCL, 8CEH and 8PMB will go to Plymouth University on Tuesday and Woodlands on Thursday. 8EEP, 8SMO, 8SAS and 8LXB will go to Woodlands on Tuesday and Plymouth University on Thursday. Students are not required to wear uniform for the Woodlands trip however, on Wednesday, suitable clothing will be needed. This means the torso needs to be fully covered for health and safety reasons. Students will need to wear full school uniform for the Plymouth University trip as well as in school on the Monday.
The essentials for the trips are a water bottle; students will also require a bag to carry a packed lunch with plenty of snacks to last all day, if a student is FSM they will be able to collect a packed lunch from the canteen on the morning of their trip. They also need to have sun cream and hat or waterproofs (weather dependent) and a pencil or pen.
Students must come prepared and dressed appropriately for both trips, if they are not, they will have to remain in school. It is advised not to bring any valuables; school will not take any responsibility for any valuables brought along. If any student has prescription inhalers, they must bring them with them, this will be checked. Any other medication must be clearly labelled and handed into their form tutor.
At Plymouth University students will learn about University life and wil take part in a range of workshops. On the Woodlands trip, students can bring a small amount of money (no more than £15) with them. Students will have some time to go around the park in small groups with teachers being positioned around the park for support as well as regular sign in times. However, if you would like your child to be part of a group which goes around the Theme park with an adult please email myself or Mrs Gallie, so that we can organise this support.
It is important that all students follow all instructions given, poor behaviour will not be tolerated as it could compromise the safety of your child and others. Please ensure whole school consent is completed,
and that you have updated your contact details so that we can contact you during the day if a problem does arise and a student needs to be collected from a venue. You can do this by clicking on the following link
Can I please remind you about the voluntary contributions of £28 that are needed towards these activities for them to run as planned? Payment can still be made via parent pay if you have not yet done so.
As you are already aware, we have taken the decision as it is the last day, to close the school for students in school at 1.20pm on Friday 21st July. School buses will not run at this time and will run at the usual time of 3.00pm as there are other students out on trips on this day. Please click on the following link to complete the form should you need your son/daughter to stay in school until 3.00pm.
We are looking forward to an exciting week and hope that your child is ready to get stuck into some fun activities! As always email me at or if you have any questions. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours faithfully
Mrs E Gue & Mrs L Gallie